IP Australia Moves to Madrid List of Goods and Services
Published 14 May 2024
Matthew Murphy
Earlier this year, IP Australia announced that it was planning on moving away from its own List of Goods and Services for trade mark applications, and adopting the List of Goods and Services used by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) when examining International Registration applications. In late March 2024, this new categorisation system went live. The move has been welcomed, as it will mean promote consistency, as well as allow Australian trade mark applications that are the subject of International Registration applications in WIPO, pass examination more easily. In the past, different classifications by WIPO and IP Australia of certain goods and services would often lead to delays in the processing of International Registration applications in WIPO, thus delaying the rollout of international coverage via WIPO. In practice, this often led to Australian trade mark owners having to drop certain goods and services from its International Registrations, thus reducing the scope of international protection for their brands. In its press release, IP Australia noted that "Aligning Australian classification standards with international best practice reflects our customer-centric commitment to developing new ways to better support and engage with you ... This change is a win for our trade mark customers, offering more choice in goods and services. For Australian exporters, this change will make it easier and quicker to seek protection of trade marks internationally through WIPO’s Madrid System. Terms used in picklisted applications will now align with WIPO’s acceptable terms." For more information about the International Registration system for trade marks, or assistance with Australian trade mark/IP matters, please contact our Brisbane office.